Event 3: Professor Santiago Torres' Presentation

For the final event of this quarter, I am glad to have had the opportunity to join Professor Santiago Torres’ “Science <meets> Art” presentation. As a STEM student, I have always been fascinated by our universe, but it wasn’t until hearing Professor Torres talk about it that it made its beauty tenfold. Figure 1: Science <meets> Art presented by Professor Santiago Torres. Credit: Santiago Torres Even though we went through a lot of content during the presentation, two things caught my attention. The first was the topic of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is “the range of all types of EM radiation” (NASA, 2013), and EM waves “are a form of radiation that travel through the universe. They are formed when an electric field couples with a magnetic field” (NOAA, 2023). Professor Torres made an easy-to-follow slide showcasing the EM spectrum in detail which is shown in Figure 2. I find it especially interesting that our eyes can only see light wa...